
Building Restoration – Why it is Important

Building restoration is the first step towards preservation of an existing structure. It stops further degradation of the building and such efforts benefit the community, environment and even the area’s economy. Restoration of old and neglected building revitalises the neighbourhood, giving it an appealing look, away from the old and crumbling feel. It is important to note that a restoration process always aims at retaining much of the old structures’ character and design. There are a lot of reasons why a neglected building ought to be rehabilitated. Discussed below are some of these reasons that could prompt a complete restoration and reconstruction of an old building.

Preservation of Ancient Historic Structures

Historic buildings and monuments are pieces of our history that we value. They tell the tale of those that came before us and they unite us in the knowledge of a shared heritage. These magnificent structures, though old, give us a glimpse of ancient architecture and designs. Experts have gone to great lengths to restore these ancient historic landmarks, to reverse the effects of years of neglect while trying to protect their heritage value. The process is often extremely sensitive as restoration experts try to maintain as much as possible of the existing building. Modern technology plays an important role in the process, as does traditional craftsmanship. The restored building will then serve as a reminder of the region’s history. It is one step towards preserving the history of that community.

Protection of the Environment

Preservation and rehabilitation of an old building is a form of recycling. Instead of tearing down the entire structure, the existing features can be reinforced and upgraded to make it habitable. Reusing an old building saves the environment from accumulating waste materials from construction into existing landfills. Building recycling also saves energy because less of it will be used in rehabilitation as compared to demolishing and building a new structure from scratch.

Economical Gains

Often times, restoration of an old building costs less than building a new structure altogether. Not to mention that historic building restoration is a great boost to the tourism sector as these landmarks are deemed great tourist attractions. Due to the laborious nature of a restoration project, skilled labour is preferred and demanded. This creates employment opportunities. Lastly, a common economical gain of restoration is increase of the property’s value. Owners of restored building stand to gain enormous profits if they sell their rehabilitated buildings as opposed to selling it while it’s in a sorry state of neglect.

Durability and Safety

Though painstakingly difficult, the process of building restoration will increase the lifespan of an otherwise doomed building. It protects the building from further deterioration. Old building structures that are on the verge of collapsing need not necessarily be demolished. They could be reinforced and restored to their old glory. The process not only enhances the physical appearance of the building, but it reinforces its support structure making it safe for habitation. Whether a building has historic significance or not, it is important to know that proper maintenance care must be carried out to keep the structure together.