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Using a Camping Stove in The Garden

Camping stoves are often used outside the home in the countryside, but they can be fun to use in the garden too. They are a great way for families to experience a little outdoor adventure without leaving the home. However they do use an open flame so it’s important to know what you are doing before hand.

Using a Camping Stove 

  1. When using a camping stove in the garden, place the stove on a flat even surface. Ideally a paving stone or flat area of ground.
  2. If you are using a tent don’t light the stove inside of it, make sure the stove is used at a safe distance outside.
  3. Once you’ve finished using a stove, make sure it has cooled down completely before handling it.
  4. Be sure to clean the stove thoroughly after use.
  5. Never modify the stove in anyway, and follow any instructions given.